Ravings from the desert.

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Location: New Delhi, Kolkata, Delhi NCR, West Bengal, India

The lesser said the better.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


I’m an old guitar-
A tuneless invalid,
Moth eaten to the core.
Leaning for decades
Against this destitute column
In this destitute corner.
Kept just for old times’ sake.
Some shoddy memories attached,
And the Sanctity of Music.
Why don’t someone just
Chop me up and throw
Me in for firewood?
I get ritual dustings
After four score years
When spring-cleaning
Visits the attic.

I have listened to birds’ songs,
And the clasps of thunder,
The patter of raindrops,and
Felt the genial rot all around.
Lizards have crept over me,
Spawning in my hollow.
I have withstood the birth of generations.
No anger is directed towards me.
I have no story.
No warm-lit halls for me,
Nor the cheers of performance.
Wine has never trickled down
My polished mien in callous mirth.
No one wrecks me up in anguish.
Returns me to whence I came:
A mass of deadwood.

I hate my artistic cut,
The purpose thrust on me.
I would rather the log
That lies strewn and
Hapless,beating rainfall and sunshine,
Ant-hills and exfoliations,
On the soggy forest floor.
A life before a Life.


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

On the first rains

The first rains yesterday fell
Out of season, without a reason,
Blinding the city with clouds of dust,
And violating the weather man’s trust,
It riding came the whiplash of lightning,
Making cats scurry with a-frightening.
Falling in quick bursts, short and shrill,
As hushed lovers kissed by the window sill,
As the balding old man sat sipping his tea,
And the wise beggar woman cackled in glee,
To see a young banker, all ship and shape,
Race across puddles for a quick escape,
To crowds that gathered below dripping shelters,
As the rain slowly grew to a real belter,
Pelting the lonesome city street,
With all the force of a long lost meet.
The street and the rain, the sky and the earth,
The bonding in pain, the heavens and the hearth,
While silent spectators with awed eyes,
Witnessed this embrace of the earth and the skies,
And felt the joy that shook them within,
Turn to odour of an earthy spin,
That rose from grass, puddles and pools,
And rushed to hot nostrils, soothing them cool.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

"Eye of the tiger"

This movie always peps me up.Whenever I have been down and out, Ive come back to gain something from this film.Its a simple story.A man fighting for his self-belief,his self-esteem,his pride against all odds and adversaries.It's pretty mushy and formula based, but it has never failed to inspire me and has always brought tears to my eyes."There's no tommorow".


"As far back as I can rememb'r, I always wann'ed to be a gangster"

This is one of those films that I'd heard about and read about a lot.So when I picked up the dvd and watched it for the first time, I was pleasantly delighted to find that all that hype wasnt misleading.It is 1 of the greatest gangster films ever made in hollywood.And Joe Pesci's performance! Man!You got to see it to believe it.Especially the "you think I'm funny scene".


"My father made him an offer he could'nt refuse"

Well,what can I say? "Michael...."
